Why & How

Why do hearts need art?

Many patients are alone in the hospital for weeks and months while receiving treatment. Anxiety, depression, loneliness, and sheer boredom add to the suffering they already face with a life-altering diagnosis. We design personalized creative experiences and provide them in accessible and evidence-based ways with adolescent and adult patients, their caregivers, and medical staff.


To create moments of joy, self-expression, and connection for those facing life-altering health challenges through arts engagement, advocacy, and innovation.

two people painting on a hospital room window


The universal accessibility of arts engagement to help everyone feel seen, heard, and loved while facing life-altering health challenges.

group of healthcare professionals with musician holding guitar


Hire and train creative people in the community that desire to serve people in healthcare settings through their artform.

Our Values 

  • 1. Build connection:

    a. I commit to making those we serve feel seen, heard, and loved.

    b. I build rapport and create a safe place for people to come out of hiding an express themselves through the arts.

  • 2. Radiate love and compassion:

    a. I practice mindfulness and hold space for the suffering and joy of others and myself.

    b. I get curious instead of judgmental when people think differently than I do.

    c. I meet people where they are and invite them to be their full, authentic selves.

    d. I practice regular self-care because I can’t pour from an empty cup.

    e. I’m aware of my emotions, how they affect me and others. I reach out for help when I need it.

    f. I build my self-worth on the unconditional love of my creator and not on my performance.

  • 3. Express gratitude:

    a. I practice an attitude of gratitude with my colleagues, patients, and supporters.

    b. I am grateful for the opportunity to do this work and express my gratitude through advocacy for Hearts Need Art.

  • 4. Embody integrity:

    a. I choose courage over comfort by leaning into difficult tasks.

    b. I work and plan as if everything depends on my diligence and yet release control of the outcome.

    c. I communicate boundaries and expectations clearly.

    d. I have direct, honest conversations with people rather than talking about them to others.

    e. I practice confidentiality and only share information that is mine to share.

    f. I understand and execute all of my job responsibilities. If I don’t understand how to do something, I ask.

    g. I respect other’s time by showing up on time and quickly responding to communications.

  • 5. Nurture creativity and innovation:

    a. I empower people to create and transcend their circumstances.

    b. I commit to grow in my art form and other skills to better serve my patients and HNA.

    c. I value play and make time to enjoy life.

    d. I innovate to solve problems, improve systems, and reach people who may not be reached otherwise. I share my ideas with the HNA team so that everyone can benefit.

How does it work?

Arts-in-health programs like ours can improve social connectivity and decrease pain, anxiety, and depression (Martin, 2018) (Poscia, 2018) (Cuypers, 2011).

The World Health Organization cites evidence for the health benefits of the arts: 

  • Affect the social determinants of health 
  • Support child development 
  • Encourage health-promoting behaviors 
  • Help to prevent ill health 
  • Support caregiving 
  • Support people with health challenges 
  • Support end-of-life care 

Participant Survey Results

  • 2,000+ patients in 2022
  • 3,500+ patient family members, friends, and healthcare staff in 2022
  • 83% of surveyed patients reported an improved mood
  • 63% of surveyed patients reported decreased pain
  • 92% of surveyed patients would recommend Hearts Need Art
  • 63% of surveyed patients reported feeling less isolated
  • 98% of surveyed patients reported the facilitator met their needs
  • 78% of surveyed patients reported an improved impression of the hospital

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